Saturday, July 31, 2010

Have fun Uncle Nick!

Last night we all went to Granny and Grandads for a farewell dinner for Uncle Nick, who's off on his O.E.
The boys had a blast. Jase in particular loves his uncle and is all over him from the get go. Matty's still a little unsure around some family simply because he doesn't get to see them often enough, but that will pass with time.
The boys have been awesome lately. Not much evil-doing at all really. They had haircuts the other day and Matty looks like a real little man with short hair. Matty went first, and cried cos hes only a baby, and for some reason that made Jase regress and he cried throughout his haircut too! Not what you expect from a 4.5 year old :(
Talk of Tirau school is constant in our household. We have 6 months to prepare Jase for saying goodbye to pre-school and saying hello to the real deal. We have gone and played in the playground on the weekends, and we talk about how all the Shannon's have gone to that school. We talk about it being the school for Shannon's so much that Jason's is now convinced it was made just for him!
We have also visited the daycare/pre-school in Tirau for when Matty starts. I'm a bit worried about it actually. Its not a pre-school like Buckland Street is. They don't have a literacy or numeracy programme. In fact they pride themselves on not having a structure at all. It goes against their philosophy. Yikes. I know that that wouldn't work for Jase, but Matty will probably be just fine. I'm super disappointed to have to pull the boys out of Buckland Street when we move - they have both thrived there, and learned so much and are so comfortable and secure. Its like a second home to them. (Sigh). That's a big downside of moving :(
But, it will all work out. Mattys so adaptable and confident he will be fine at Tirau daycare, and I'm sure the staff are lovely.
Well, what a boring rant! This blog has become less about keeping family informed, and more about me recording stuff I want to remember as the boys get older!!   

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Whats been going on???

Well, nothing really. Everything's been ticking along quite nicely and were all happy.
Mattys adjusted to the pre-school class (over two's) really well. We were a little worried that Jase might be a tad territorial over his 'patch', but if anything hes been over protective. The teachers have had to separate them at mat time for giggling together to much, and they've also had to stop Jason from leading Matty around to much during play times and telling him what to do! So cute.
Another thing Mattys doing so that's so funny right now, is 'swearing'. For a while now when he gets mad hes been yelling 'Oh, Fine Day'! I couldn't figure out what he meant until I clicked that he thinks hes saying 'Oh, for fucks sake'! Oops - that's my bad. Jason's also obsessed with swearing. he makes up his own, like 'You stupid butt-arse'. That's probably his favorite. We are truly fantastic parents.
Oh crap. Ive been busted. Matty's just walked in. Its impossible to type and have a two year old try and push the keyboard buttons while sitting on your head - so I'm gonna go. Today the plan is to take the kids to the park in Tirau and then to The Honey Shop for an ice cream :) soon as I figure out how to upload photos from the new camera, I 'll post some new ones. Gotta find the damn lead first!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mattys got the pox.

Mattys got the pox. Says it all really. Had a few suspicious 'pops' yesterday, and woke up with about 20 this morning.
I gotta get something down before I forget, and in years to come I want to remember the time when Matty wouldn't go anywhere - not even to bed - without his spatula. This boy is seriously in love with his spatula. He cuddles it, uses it as a weapon, a pacifier, and a snack; hes been nibbling away at if for a month.
Today my mission is to get a picture of him with his beloved spatula.