Thursday, April 7, 2011

little updates

Right, Ive decided Im just gonna do little regular updates. Just little things the boys say and do that I dont want to forget as they get older.
So today after school Jason complained that Mackenzie keeps hitting him. I told him that sometimes girls hit boys when they liked them :) Jase said shes pretty. Aaahhh.... a new crush now that Jolies moving to Aussie.

Mattys finished pre-school for the third day in a row in pretty pink polka dotted girl shorts because he keeps sitting in puddles and runs out of the clothes I pack in his bag. After collecting Matty we went to get Jase (very embarressing walking a boy through school in girls shorts) and matty kept saying 'Im wearing girls pants aye Mummy.'

Jases new faverite obsession os Ratchet and Clank, Tools of Destruction.
Matty is moving on from Spiderman to Batman. He keeps making me tie a towel around his neck so he can wear a 'Batman Cape'.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

its been a long, loooonnnng time.....

I forgot I had a blog!! hahaha!!! No blogging awards for me!
Heaps has happend since I was last here. Jase has started school, and loving it. Mattys started Kids Rock pre-school, and hes loving it there too. We have moced to the farm - there were a couple of teething problems, but were all loving it, espeacially me. Everybodys happy and healthy and doing just what there ment to be doing :)
I'll put a note on the fridge to upload some photos this week, but were not on broadband out here in the wops, and the T-Stick can be a little dodgy sometimes :)